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The Vaccine Economy

In 2020, economies around the world were forced to willingly stop their workforce from carrying out economic operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the working population at home and operations at a halt, it was only natural for these economies to reach a breaking point. However, the massive rollout of covid vaccines in 2021, acted as the second shoulder of support for the collapsing economies. Now some of you may be confused as to how vaccination is going to benefit the economy. Well, the answer to this question is what will form the basis of this article.

“This is a health crisis and an economic crisis. It is a crisis of inequality and a crisis of trade.”

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

It is no secret that, Covid-19 has caused just as much economic devastation as it caused physical devastation. One of the biggest indicators of this is the Global GDP, which has decreased by 4.2 percent since the start of this public crisis. Even in economic powerhouses like the United States, low-income workers and members of minority groups have been hit hard. According to Pew Research, over half of all American adults with lower incomes have struggled to pay their expenses since the epidemic began. Black Americans have been particularly severely impacted, with 28% having difficulty paying their rent or mortgage payments.

As per Household Pulse Survey data, 20 million individuals — or 9% of all adults in the US — stated that their household did not have enough to eat at least once every seven days. Black and Latino communities were more than twice as likely as white communities to indicate that their household did not have enough food, i.e. 18% for Black adults and 15% for Latino adults, compared to 7% for white adults. Individuals who are classified as Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islander, or multiracial were 12 percent more likely than white adults to indicate that their household did not have enough food.

Even the average UK house prices have reached a new high of almost £240,000 (₹ 2,46,08,110), driven by a rise in home working and the desire for greater room, as well as temporary property tax cuts given by the UK government. However, these numbers have pushed many first-time buyers with lower deposits out of the market, with 69 percent indicating they would wait for the epidemic to pass before attempting to buy a home.


“No country, rich or poor, should be left at the back of the queue when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines,”

Dr Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Becoming vaccinated should be viewed as an investment not just in the health of society, but also in the nation's ongoing economic recovery efforts. Vaccination may provide economic advantages in a variety of ways, with vaccinated persons exhaling actual and symbolic sighs of relief when their fortunes improve. The arguments presented in this article demonstrate the several ways in which vaccines can aid economies throughout the world in their recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

Being inoculated against the coronavirus has instant and significant health advantages. It is also a crucial component of many nations' economic recovery throughout the world. Increased vaccination coverage not only keeps people healthier, but it also reduces health-care expenses, makes it easier for individuals to return to work, and boosts overall economic activity. To ensure these advantages and expand on previous accomplishments, policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels must redouble their efforts to raise immunisation rates.

The link connecting healthcare and the economy is bidirectional, with economic expansion enabling financing for investments in health, and a healthy population contributing to and improving an economy. These advantages of vaccines and other public health initiatives, such as sanitation, clean water, and antibiotics, are significant for both social and economic reasons. It has been argued that the economic impact of vaccinations should be evaluated in a broader sense than only the avoided healthcare expenses from averting sickness episodes and related caregiver expenditures. Vaccination can provide economic advantages in a variety of ways, with vaccinated persons exhaling actual and symbolic sighs of relief when their fortunes strengthen.

Vaccinations are extremely helpful to the population and also cost-effective when compared to other public health initiatives. In light of worldwide pressures on public and private finances, government agencies are compelled to do rigorous economic evaluations of vaccines and vaccination programmes to justify their acquisition, which was worsened by the 2008 financial collapse. A vaccination programme has obvious direct expenses, such as vaccine procurement, infrastructure to conduct the programme and keep the cold chain cold, and healthcare/administration staff. Governments invest in these with the goal of promoting health, sometimes with the help of charities and non-governmental organisations.

This has the potential to lead to economic growth, since less money is spent as a result of fewer medical tests, operations, and treatments, as well as less time away from work by patients/parents. Furthermore, the use of combination vaccinations, such as DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB, gives protection against a greater number of illnesses while incurring no additional infrastructure expenditures, i.e. the same number of injections per kid within existing immunisation programmes.

Early findings and research regarding the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech in November 2020 revealed that post the successful trial announcement the FTSE 100 shot up by 5 percent and the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 5.6 percent in opening trading. A similar surge occurred following the announcement of a successful trial for the Moderna vaccine and the administration of the first dose of the Oxford University/Astrazeneca vaccine in the United Kingdom.

Furthermore, the introduction of vaccination initiatives can also help stabilize the sinking boats of economies around the world, but the pace at which economies heal, including increase in employment and consumer morale, will be determined by how fast they are able to contain the outbreak. Eurasia Group’s report commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation finds that the economic advantages of a worldwide equitable vaccination solution alone would be at least US$ 153 billion in 2020-21, rising to US$ 466 billion by 2025 for the ten nations included in the research. This is more than twelve times of the ACT Accelerator's anticipated overall cost of US$ 38 billion.

Vaccine recipients have the potential for increased life expectancy, which has been proven mostly, but not exclusively, in babies and children. It is becoming increasingly clear that an ageing population experiences immunosenescence, as well as a rise in the prevalence and severity of infectious illnesses. As a result, in many countries, older individuals are provided vaccinations to prevent diseases with high mortality and morbidity, such as influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster, and pertussis.

Additional economic advantage of becoming vaccinated can entail a higher capacity to return to work safely. More individuals have worked in the United States as immunisation rates have grown. In March 2021, vaccination rates exhibited a very significant dispersion between states, making it a useful illustrative month for our research. In March, 52.4 percent of people in states where 10 percent to 30 percent of the adult population had been vaccinated were working. 58.1 percent of persons were working in states where 30 to 50 percent of the adult population had been vaccinated. Furthermore, when vaccination rates climbed, so did the proportion of individuals working.

In comparison to no changes in vaccination rate groups, faster and enhanced rates of immunisation are associated with higher rates of individuals working. Undoubtedly, rising vaccination rates improved many employees' physical safety, which undoubtedly enhanced their capacity to return to and find employment, contributing to labour market rebound.


"The situation that we see right now is absolutely unacceptable, because a large part of the world remains unvaccinated and this is a danger for all of us,"

Mamta Murthi, Vice President for Human Development (World Bank)

With major vaccination efforts against Covid-19 beginning across the world, there is a growing disparity between affluent and poor countries in terms of their ability to acquire enough injections to immunise their citizens. Wealthy nations have been accused of stockpiling vaccinations, namely those manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. This has made it possible for India, China, and, to a lesser extent, Russia to develop, manufacture, and deliver vaccines to the developing globe. According to experts, these initiatives have the potential to increase those countries' influence and strengthen their relationships with other countries.

In January 2021, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that drug companies prioritised regulatory clearance in affluent nations where revenues are highest, rather than submitting entire dossiers to accelerate a WHO-supported worldwide vaccination distribution programme.

As of August 2021, almost 4 billion vaccination doses had been given worldwide. At that time, 27.6 percent of the world's population had gotten at least one dosage of a vaccination. Sounds extremely amazing, doesn't it? However, when the data is broken down by income group, just 1.1 percent of people in low-income nations had gotten even one dose of a vaccination. Thus that's in terms of population, but if you look at the breakdown in terms of doses to date, and this is as of July 28th, 84 percent of the doses which were delivered had all gone to people in high and higher middle-income nations.

When compared to the percentage of doses provided in low-income nations, it is a startlingly low 0.3 percent. In terms of doses provided per 100 persons, Europe and North America have 84 and 82 doses, respectively, and keep in mind that the preponderance of vaccinations are two dose regimens. And then it further declines rapidly from there. In the mentioned timeline , South America only received 59 doses per 100 people, Asia received 54, and Africa received fewer than five doses per 100 people.



Written by Shubhi Pandey (

Edited by Mehak Vohra


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