Harold Hotelling in his research paper published in 1929 titled “Stability in Competition” proposed an economic model that helps in determining the equilibrium condition in duopolistic markets. The idea behind the model was to illustrate how consumers’ purchasing decisions depend not just on the characteristics of a product and its price but also the location of the sellers. A seller may, in effect, sell at a greater price than others, but still enjoy the same demand and the inflow of the same number of consumers, if she is located at a convenient position. A factor that will greatly determine the equilibrium in this model is the cost of travel, which is directly proportional to the distance between the consumer and the firm, and depends on no other factor (an assumption). Furthermore, a consumer might not be willing to travel a greater distance to acquire a product, even if the firm closest to the consumer sells at a price greater than the others. Other assumptions implicitly mentioned by Hotelling include - a) each consumer has unit demand, b) consumers are equitably distributed, c) cost of travelling will be determined by the same formula for each consumer, d) the firms incur zero or equal production costs and e) firms are perfectly mobile and cost of relocation is zero. It is to be noted that in Hotelling’s model, consumer demand corresponding to each firm will depend entirely upon the distance between the firm and the consumer, and no other factor, owing to the assumptions specified above. For this purpose, a scenario was created wherein a homogeneous product will exist, sold by two firms (with no alternative competition) at the same price. A horizontal line segment will indicate several location-setting sub-games, and at the end, we will be able to determine how the two firms will finally settle in a position of equilibrium.
Let the two firms be A and B. The only available location for setting up their establishments is along a horizontal straight-lined street. Let the length of the street be represented by the variable L. Let the starting point be assumed as the left end of the street. The ideal position would be at a distance of L/4 from either end of the street for each firm, as illustrated by the diagram below.